Engagementshoot in Marche, Italy

This year we struggled with so much and thats the reason why we didn’t blogged many months! But now we want to use the low winter season to show you loooots of beautiful shootings and weddings! The first wedding which we showed you already on our blog this year was the Italy wedding of our couple Rimona & Thomas. Two days before we had a short but very lovely pre-wedding Shoot with them in a beautiful surrounding. We just had about 20-30 Minutes, before a unexpeted thunderstorm came down, but thats again a perfect example that you don’t have to shoot for hours to create magical images or a stunning film! You just need a nice surrounding and a loving couple. That’s why you also have to take a look at this short film artur created for them! It’s one of our most favorite films this year! Or how often do you can capture a lighning and thunder on a drone shot?


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